Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fahrenheit 451 fishbowl #2: first hour

Today we'll primarily focus our discussion on the second fourth reading section of Fahrenheit 451 beginning at the page break on 45 & continuing through the end of part 1.

You should feel comfortable, however, to also ask questions about previous sections.  I especially encourage you to do so if you have comprehension questions; use this discussion as an opportunity to understand the reading.

Be sure you...

  • Are an active participant throughout our discussion time.  Students who continue to be unparticipatory, will write an essay in all future discussion when they're in the outer circle.
  • Provide a quote to contextualize EVERY question and response.  Be sure to cite these quotes with author & page number.  For example, (Bradbury 36).  Here are a couple of posts from your classmates who incorporated text thoughtfully in their responses:
Zak D commented, "Maybe she isn't reading books but is learning to question how their society works because she says "I sometimes think drivers don't know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly," p. 6.

and Fernanda commented, "I think Montag got frustrated when Clarisse said he wasn't in love because he's married to Mildred. Montag argues when the dandelion didn't rub off on him, 'I am very much in love!'" p20

         Great job Zak and Fernanda!
  • Use the "reply" feature for individual discussion threads to indicate to whom your question or comment is posted.
  • Carefully proofread your work.  This is a formal assignment.
  • Refresh your page often so you can see new posts & ideas.
  • Be sure to press "publish" to post your comment versus pressing something like the enter button, which will delete your work.

Happy posting!


  1. “you should have seen her, Millie.”
    “She’s nothing to me…” (Bradburry 48)
    Why was the woman who burned something to Montag (because that would explain his upsettedness) (everybody)

    1. I think that if he sees more people dying for something that is thought of as illegal, then maybe he will see that books do have a purpose. He will see that they is something people are looking for in the books, and that they are important.

  2. Why do you think that people like books so much? Do they read those books to get away from the real world?

    1. The government has taken everything away from this world. Books are their free-thinking and facts. Their world was full of propaganda, books told the real story.
      "There must be something in the books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house, there must be something there" (Bradburry 48)

    2. I don't think they exactly like the books, but they could have books out of curiosity or for what they believe in. Montag explains his curiosity after he shows Mildred the books he's been hiding: "I want to look at them, at least look at them once.Then if the Captain says it's true, we'll burn them together." p.63

    3. I think people read books to escape the real world and get into their imagination. With every book someone reads, each person creates a different image for what is happening in their head, people read so that they can feel the rush of creativity that comes a long with it.

    4. I think people like book so much because they get curious about things and they start to question what's so bad about the books that they want to read them. They want what they can't have. "No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said." P. 55

  3. When Montag is talking to Beatty does Beatty have a suspicion that Montag has books? “Well, Montag, take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing!” (Bradbury 59)

    1. I think either Beatty saw him take the books or he assumes he has one and is trying to get him to get rid of it. "Montag's hand closed like a mouth, crushed the book with wild devotion, with insanity of mindlessness to his chest." (Bradbury 34)

  4. I feel like people do read books to escape the real world. I believe that everyone has their own reasoning on why they love books so much. I think another reason is, is because their are people out there who really love to read and have a passion for it.

  5. I think because he could have seen her as Clarice because Clarice is kind of convincing Montag to be open to new ideas

  6. It is mentioned that a quote Montag read was "stamped with Fiery Steele" into his mind, and I think that it might show that fire is starting to hurt him, because reading that book was against everything he used to believe in very strongly sp he basically betrayed himself. Maybe it is giving him an idea as to how much he is hurting other people. (Pg 34)

  7. @MariaP789 I don't think there is a world to get away from. The people read the books out of curiosity and not many people read books because they are told not to. "What do they books say, he wonders." (Bradbury 59)

  8. Why are some people able to realize what is happening around them while other's are oblivious?

    1. The way of life they live is part of who the people are. When Beatty is talking to Montag he said that people like Clarisse don't happen very often. "Luckily, queer ones like her don't happen often. We know how to nip most of them in the bud, early." (Bradbury 58)

    2. I think those who are oblivious are so sucked into the real world, they don' t know what is going on around them. It's almost like they are brain-washed to believe that there is no other world and the world they are living in is the only world they know, and they don't know that there is another outside world.

    3. I think that completely depends on what family you're born into because parents beliefs and lifestyles tend to pass on to their children. For example, on page 7 Clarice says "Oh, just my mother and father and uncle sitting around, talking." I think this shows that the reason Clarice thinks so much is because the rest of her family talks instead of being on technology.

  9. What do you think the other firemen are thinking about the woman killing herself?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think the other fireman were shocked that book could mean so much to her. I think the idea of it shocked them but not necessarily the incident. "They said nothing on their way back to the firehouse. Nobody looked at anyone else" (Bradbury 37).

    3. They don't care. As the woman began to burn they were urging Montag to leave her, as if this woman's life doesn't matter. She was only worth those 10 seconds to Beatty (Bradburry 36)

    4. I think they dont care about the woman getting killed because it has happened before. It seems like Montag only cares because Calrisse is making him think differently

    5. I think the other fireman were surprised at what had happened because of how the women reacted but at the same time they don't really care about it. "They said nothing on their way back to the firehouse. Nobody looked at anyone else...they did not even smoke their pipes." P 37

  10. I think people read books and are so interested in books is because they can't read them. They are curious to what are in the books and why they are illegal, "What do the books say, he wonders." p59

  11. How does Montag's view of fire change after the old woman incident? "Burn all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean."

    1. I think after the incident Montag is thinking of reading books before he burns them or not even burning them at all.

  12. How do you think Clarisse knew about all things she said to Montag? “We had some false alarms on the McClellans...never found a book.” P. 57

    1. Like you said "We had some false alarms on the McClellans...never found a book." (Bradbury 57) It makes you question how they did get all that information and if they don't have books then they probably just past down stories or they must hide the books really well.

    2. I feel there has to be books, there has to be something there, something the public does not have. She has too much information about the past to not have something.

  13. Why does Mildred not flinch when she hears that they burned a woman? "We burned a thousand books. We burned a woman." (Pg 47)

    1. I think that she realizes how cruel the society is and that these things are the new norm in the world. The fire men are sent to do one job and stop at nothing so I don't think anyone cared about the death of the woman.

    2. She seems to be stuck on some sort of autopilot. All day all she sees on TV is perfect lives. She probably can't even fathom something that horrible happening. "I had a nice evening,' she said in the bathroom. 'What doing?' 'The parlor."

    3. I think Mildred doesn't really react to this because this situation isn't all that unusual, and Montag wouldn't have really reacted to this in the past like Mildred. I think the reason Montag was so affected by this woman burning herself with her books was because Clarice kind of opened up his eyes and made him curious about books. "Do you ever read any of the books you bum?" pg. 5

  14. Bradburry 59 Beatty is saying he broke the law because he has "read a few" books, and then goes on to say that "books say nothing," was this Beatty covering up what books really provide? Was he trying to save Montag in a sense?

    1. I think he was trying to make books seem boring so that Montag wouldn't have the "itch" to read any. He might have tried to save Montag, in a way, but I think he was also trying just to keep him away from reading books at all.

  15. I feel like the other firemen don't really care about the women killing herself. I really don't think it affected them at all.

    1. Their job is to burn houses that have books in them so I don't think it affected them at all because the woman was keeping them from doing their job and stalling so I think it was a relief to them when the house finally went down.

  16. Why hasn't Montag read the books that he takes? Does he not have time, or was he scared? "'Where do we begin?' He opened the book half-way and peered at it. 'We begin by beginning, I guess.'"

  17. Do you think that Montag is falling for Clarisse just by the way they talk to each other? And do you think that Mildred is a little crazy because she is talking to a TV most of her time?

    1. I think that Montag has some feeling for Clarisse but talks to her the way he does because he is curious to hear about her thoughts and he is intrigued by how different she is from everyone else in society.

    2. I think he will eventually, but it will take some time. when she says that he is the first time anyone stopped and talked to her.

    3. He talks about her (Bradburry 9) like he's in love, or at least falling she "refracted [his] own lite back into [him]" (Bradburry 8)
      "She seemed to be waiting for me there, in the street, so damned late at night..." He talks about Mildred as though she is an "unknown, a street face" (Bradburry 41).
      Montag seems to have obsessive tendencies, with fire, light, and now Clarisse. There's something he sees in her, something he is infatuated with.

  18. What is the significance of Mildred's "family," why are these strangers even referred to as family?

    1. Mildred's "family" is a sign that she is on the brink of insanity, ever since she tried to kill herself she has been doing abnormal things that people might even consider crazy or insane.

    2. She was always abnormal from the way she was described, she must have been. People without pain or problems don't kill themselves.

  19. Was Montag and Mildred's marriage arranged?
    (Bradburry 40)

    1. I think that they don't remember because they don't like each other, they don't trust each other, and they don't spend time together.

    2. I think the government set them up to it

    3. I think that's a good possibility because they've been married for 10 years and they don't even remember how they met, so maybe someone set them up. Montag says, "Funny, how funny, not to remember where or when you met your husband or wife." p. 40

  20. I think Montag is a little scared to read the book and to find out what it says. I think he is scared to see why the books are illegal."He spoke the words haltingly and with terrible self consciousness." p65

  21. It seems as though Mildred and Montag fight a lot. I think that they will get divorced. Montag on page 53 says "For God's sake, let me be!" If they don't get divorced then their marriage will be complicated.

  22. After Captain Beatty says, "I've had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about," p. 59 Do you think that if more people found out that he's read some books what could happen to him, if anything?

    1. I don't think anything will happen to him because of the things he says about books. He says on page 59 that "the books say nothing." I think that the fact he says that is what is keeping him safe because he is keeping others from reading the books that have "nothing" in them.

    2. I think he would lose his job, that no one will respect him as much

    3. I think that if Captain Beatty didn't trust Montag, he wouldn't have told him that he has read a few books in his past. I think if both of them can keep it to themselves, there will not be any consequences. On the other hand, if the word gets out that Captain Beatty and Montag have both read books, something will happen to them because it is against the law to read books.

    4. Like Beatty said "A natural error. Curitsity alone, said Beatty. We don't get over anxious or mad. We let the fireman keep the book twenty-four hours." The people in charge know that the fireman will have a natural curiosity because they are always around books. With the fireman they'll probably give them a warning and then burn it after 24 hours.

  23. Why would books be illegal? Could there be secrets in them that the government doesn't want the people to know or what?

    1. I believe that the government doesn't want people to have access to have books because then they would form an opinion and their would be democracy. They want full control and to be able to read a book you are educated so you are considered "dangerous."

    2. I think that book are illegal because it makes people believe different things. I don't think that the government is hiding anything. I think that they are just trying to keep people from having different opinions.

    3. The books could make people challenge the government and start to think for themselves. They dont want the people knowing about the old world and if they are busy with technology they dont care about the rest of the world.

    4. That makes more sense. Thank you Myah.

  24. I think books are illegal because many of them can speak many truths of life. And I believe that it's trying to be hid from the people.

    1. The government wants an orderly society, and of people read books and take time to think, they will get different ideas, and the government doesn't want to have different people thinking different things.

  25. Are the books in this society supposed to be representing something in ours? (This isn't page based question, just a bigger picture question)

    1. I think that we are so caught up in our technology that we don't read books anymore. Like the people in the book, they don't even talk in school, they have so much technology that nobody can talk to each other or think on their own that much. I think that this book shows us that we have so much technology that we have forgotten about books.

  26. Do you think Mildred will tell on Montag for stealing a book?

    1. I think she will because she not getting everything she wants from Montag and it seems like to me she doesn't like Montag

    2. I don't think Mildred will tell on Montag for taking a book because she barely remembers things so she could forget about this and also if she really loved him, she would protect him and not tell on him.

    3. I don't think she knows he has it honestly, but if she finds out I think she will.

    4. I think that she will if they get a divorce. It doesn't seem like she would do it when she's married to him. On page 64 it says "She wasn't fighting anymore." I think that she will not tell anyone that Montag has stolen a book.

    5. I think that Montag is going to do something that hurts her and its going to end in her telling about the book.

    6. I don't think she will because now she is apart of it with Montag and can't really get out of the situation now. At the end of part one Montag says, "We'll start over again, at the beginning." p. 65 so now I think she will read the books with him.

    7. On page 63 Montag says to Mildred, "I didn't really think. But now it looks as if we are in this together." I think that since he said that it was a hint to her that if she says anything that she will get in trouble too.

  27. What would happen if they banned books in todays society?

    1. I don't think that would work. People have tons of books in their houses and libraries have lots of books and schools use books so I don't think that banning books would actually work in todays society

    2. I think there would be protests and people would not give in to the government.

    3. I feel like if books were banned right now it would be similar to prohibition and when alcohol was banned, there would always be small black markets of books and illegal ways of getting books. People would still produce books and still spread the ideas that books tell.

    4. I think if book were banned in today's society that a lot of people would be very upset and there would be outbreaks. But as the generations go on the more it will settle because the future generations would have never known what a book is and therefore they would never miss it.

    5. I think that the world would go crazy because with books you can learn new things like History, and different things. With books you can go to a whole new world without leaving your house. I think that without books there is no world, no life, no imagination. Lets face it, books are the answer to the mind and emotion. (That's my opinion) I think that it wouldn't be a good society without books.

    6. If they banned books in today's society it wouldn't really have an affect on today's society because everything is now on the internet. Unless they cleared everything on the internet not much would happen.

    7. I think people would retaliate and demand them back because people read books to escape from the outside world.

    8. 1. Not a ton of people read anyway
      2. Compare this to North Korea-- totalitarianism and communism is all they know. Most of the people don't even know that there has been a man on the moon. Cell phones are banned. Many books are not allowed. America is the "great evil," parents sing nursery rhymes about killing everybody in america. It is poverty stricken. Hundreds of death camps litter the country. It is looked down upon by the rest of the world. But the people don't know any better, they don't understand that the Great Leader isn't as incredible as they think. Taking away a person's free will, their voice, and their freedom of speech.
      It doesn't work to brainwash your people.

    9. I don't think that would be successful because we already have so many books that stopping people would be impossible.

  28. I think they took away books because it's something the government can't control, they can't control what they authors wrote. They can only control what they watch and by outlawing books, the can have the confidence that people will think how the government wants to make them think and see what they want people to see

  29. Do you think in this society everybody is the same religion or not have a religion at all? if not do think that they would burn holy books if someone had one?

    1. I think that to them a book is a book and no matter what it says or what it teaches, that they are bad, and especially religions, they are all different and reading those books would really cause conflicts with the society they live in.

    2. I think they are the same because they are all brainwashed and forced to think and be equal. If they all believe different things, there would be diversity which is exactly what the government doesn't want?

    3. It seems like religion doesnt exist because people have no books to know about them. They also dont think for themselves so they would break the law to try to learn about them.

    4. In this society no one really thinks or talks. The society thinks for them so I don't think they have a religion because religion causes questions and curiosity and the people in society don't want difference. "People don't talk about anything." (Bradbury 28)

    5. I think that society is trying to make everyone equal and that's why all the books are being burned so that people can't have different thoughts. This means that there wouldn't be religions so that everyone is equal and has the same beliefs.

    6. I don't think that there is a religion because they haven't mentioned any sort of god or religious-like symbol in their society. And if they did find a religious book, like a Bible, I think they would burn it without even looking at it. I think they burn every book within their sight, so they wouldn't care if it was a basic novel or if it was a religious text.

  30. Do you think that the books being banned has anything to do with their government or their society?

  31. Does the government have books?

    1. I don't think so, I think that the way they started this law would to burn any books that the government had access to.

    2. I think they'd either have a huge stockpile in secret, or they don't have any and their goal is to destroy them all.

  32. Why hasn't Montag read the books that he takes? Does he not have time, or was he scared? "'Where do we begin?' He opened the book half-way and peered at it. 'We begin by beginning, I guess.'"

    1. He is kind of "brainwashed" too and knows the consequences of reading and what can happen to him. I think he is held back by fear.

    2. I think Montag is just scared that he will get found out. That's why Montag asked Beatty what happens to fireman that get caught with books. (Bradbury 59)
