Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sacrifice assignment: is it worth it?

Tomorrow, we'll begin Fahrenheit 451. In the society of this text, it has been decided that to preserve peace and tranquility, people must sacrifice many parts of our human experience: time in nature, reading for entertainment and knowledge, higher learning, among other things.

Over the last week, I've asked you to give up something--a material possession, a personal connection, a value, or an activity--and to use this experience to contemplate the nature of sacrifice, particularly considering what sacrifices are worth making and why.

In a paragraph, describe what you did & reflect on your experiences.  This is a formal writing assignment, so please be sure to use proper writing conventions and to carefully proofread your work.  Part of the goal of this assignment is to have an opportunity to view a wide range of experiences; be sure to keep your response concise so others are willing to read your post.

Your work needs to be posted by 6 a.m. on Thursday, February 19th.

I'll start...

Recently, I've used the time when I walk my dog to catch up on phone calls with friends and family, so I decided that in lieu of being attached to my cell phone, I'd use this time to enjoy nature.  In the fall, I read a book by Ariana Huffington called Thrive and, in this text, she describes how those who wonder, who pause to relish the beauty of nature have more satisfying lives.  I recognize I'm bad about this; like many, I constantly consider my to-do list and rarely live in the moment.  I found that leaving my phone in my pocket led me to better enjoy nature.  Often I walk around sunset, and I paused to appreciate the beauty of the sun passing over the mountains.  I found this to be a much more tranquil experience than the multi-tasking I usually do.
Overall, I'm good at putting my phone, computer, etc. aside, but it's not usually to live in the moment, but rather to accomplish another item on my to do list.  I recognize I need to be better at enjoying the little joys of the present, even if that means sacrificing time.


  1. This pass week I decided to give up chocolate, and it was a little harder than I thought it would be. Especially around Valentines day, but I did it. I learned that I don't have to eat it as fast as I can and that I need to savor the chocolate and enjoy it. Because there are some of us that just like to eat chocolate as fast as we can and not enjoy it. I learned to eat more sweet fruits and vegetables than chocolate. I also learned that I do not like bananas. I learned that blueberries over yogurt is very very good. I need to enjoy my sweets more and I need to eat less of it so that it is more special.

  2. Tumblr has always been a release for me just like video games, Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram are for some people. During this past week, I've decided to take a break from the social media site and turn my focus towards getting more sleep and having more time for homework. Usually, when I get home I like to get right on the internet and waste time because after a long day of school, I find that its a good stress reliever. Most of my friends are always on Tumblr when they are around me and I had a really bad urge to get on (because someone reblogged something from me idk) but I didn't! I've learned that I don't need all the pointless memes, gifs, and text posts to help me relieve stress. I also learned that those things aren't going to help me graduate.

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  4. On Friday, I wrote down my sacrifice. I decided that I would give up social media including Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. This has turned out to be a little more difficult than I expected. Out of habit, I will just open these applications. More than once I have been tempted to login and check out what’s happening. But I don’t and I’m proud of my resilience. I am glad that I chose to stop social media. Now when I have free time, I do something else that I would not have before. I am totally caught up on homework and I have spent more time with my family these couple days than I have in awhile. It’s cool to be bored and actually find something to do- instead of just go on my phone.

  5. Recently, I have been eating out about 4-6 times a week. For my sacrifice I gave up eating out, for all three meals. I learned how expensive eating out really is and if I started eating out about half as much as I usually do, I would save a lot of money. One of my favorite places to eat at is Noodles and Company, so this week I tried to recreate what I usually order. I pay six dollars when I order from the restaurant and spent about three dollars to recreate it, and it tasted about the same. I also believe I had a healthier diet, because I made my own meals for the past week so I knew everything I ate, which is not always the case when you eat out. I am really glad I made this sacrifice because I think it will change how I spend my money and what I eat.

  6. For this assignment I gave up drinking soda and energy drinks. At first when I started this assignment it was hard to get away from them because every where you go somebody's selling soda. After a while I found out that I was not crashing because that I had natural energy instead of the energy from the drinks that went away pretty fast. Also when you have these drinks your blood pressure goes up and that is not good for you. In conclusion I feel like it was a good idea to give up soda and energy drinks.

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  8. Running usually is the best part of my day, and each time I always bring my phone or Ipod to listen to music while I do. I always tell myself that my phone is for emergencies but usually that's a lie because I never run too far from home. For this assignment I wanted to experience how it was to run without listening to music and bringing technology. This assignment challenged me a lot because energetic music gives me a lot of motivation and helps me run long distances. I learned that it is very hard to run without music because the music distracts you from the physical aspect like your breathing and heartbeat. Without it you are more aware of your body and also things outdoors like noises and passing cars. It would take a lot for me to sacrifice something because just like bad habits, you don't want to give up something you love. If I were to make a sacrifice I would have to learn to look on the bright side because even simple things like music would be hard to let go. I recognize that sometimes you should not bring technology along and just enjoy a beautiful day outdoors.

  9. Lately I have been using my laptop for notes, paper, etc. I decided I am going to stop using my computer and start using more paper and pencil. This experienced has showed me that people can be very attached to their technology. This assignment has challenged me because it was hard to give up my device I was very reliant on. I think this assignment was worth it because it showed me that I should mix things up once in a while. I would need to have good hand writing in order to not use my computer for permanent. I now recognize that sometimes you need to try different things so you can learn new things.

  10. I noticed that I was posting a lot of useless things on my social media sites, so I decided to post helpful and uplifting comments, or quotes that can make someone happy and that could bring a smile to someones face. I also noticed that I would spend so much time on my phone while I would be with people that I love and care about. So I also decided that I would try to not be on my phone when I was with my family or talking with friends. By doing that, I learned that we spend so much time on our phones looking at things that isn't useful, when we could be posting things to make someone smile. I learned that if you unplug yourself from your phone, and live in the moment instead of posting what you are doing, you can actually get to know people and might even make new friends by actually talking instead of looking at phones and missing the real world of the people around you.

  11. This past week I gave up my phone, because I have done this before I decided to perform an experiment at Park Meadows Mall.
    I sat back on the fireplace (actually on my phone myself, but simply to take notes) and observed the misfitted people. Glancing over shoulders in lines, I saw countless social media posts, fights that would rip apart friends, gossip spreading like a blaze in a field, and I thought to myself, “We are ruled by something that lacks a soul.” Most teenage girls were giggling at some picture they’d forget in an hour, some shut out the world with music, others sobbed as they stared at a screen in shock, friendships ripped apart and mended, all through a screen. So, we must question if the pain and stress this causes is worth it? Parents track their rebellious children, knowing they’re not where they say. I saw so much agony come out of circuit boards. I saw girls at dinner with their friends, trying to forget about something I deduced, and half the night missed because of time spent on phones. Why does one need to deny somebodies presence for the sake of a text. The one weeks without my phone, though at first seemed hellish, opened my eyes to how free one is when they are no longer tied down. Why can’t we stand silence? Our world is covered in pain and distraction, but once we open our eyes, we are not alone, no matter how lonely you may feel.

  12. One of my guiltiest confessions is that everyday, when I sit down to do my homework, I turn on Dr. Phil. Totally dorky right? Anyways, I always tell myself it's just background noise but it's really more of a distraction away from my homework. When were assigned to sacrifice something, I chose Dr. Phil. At first I didn't think it would be hard at all; but then when I came home from school that day, I realized it must have been a guilty pleasure I was taking for granted. I know it sounds silly but I was truly disappointed. I realized one thing though: I was much more focused on my homework and it became much harder for me to find a distraction. I was more efficient this way.
    So what exactly giving up some stupid T.V show do for me? It made me realize that our guilty pleasures truly do make us happy and that I often do take them for granted.

  13. This past week I decided to give up watching tv in my free time. I chose the object tv to give up because as I payed more attention to it, the more I realized every word it spoke was negative. This sacrifice challenged me to the point where I didn't have to force myself to not watch tv it more just became a habit. Taking away tv, made me go outside, be active, and enjoy the fresh air instead of lay around and sit still. Since there was a section of negativity that was taken away it made my thoughts a little more positive and I wasn't worried about things that come up on tv and the news. This challenge was worth it but it is not something I would continue and I don't think it has that big of an affect on my every day life. Saying that, there are many people that rely on information from the media and probably could not live with out it. I think if the world was to get rid of tv the obesity rates would go down because it would force many people to be more active with their lives and actually move around every once in while. For me to give up something that is very very important would take a lot of preparation. I couldn't just give something that I need up right now, but someones personality should not be formed based upon a certain object like a phone or computer. I would not change who I am to sacrifice something even if I had to. Overall giving up tv was not the greatest challenge ever but it was defiantly hard at some times. If I were to do this again, I might try giving up something for a longer period of time.

  14. For this past week I decided to give up eating junk food. I decided to do this because I want to be as healthy as I can. The first few days were a little difficult. When I first gave it up, lunch was disappointing because I wasn’t allowed to eat cookies and then during snack I had to push myself to eat some fruit instead of anything unhealthy, but after a day or so it no longer bothered me. In fact, I didn’t think about eating sugar at all until one of my friends offered me some. I think this is something I can continue but not to the extreme that I did it this week and the benefits I get from it will be tremendous. Overall his showed me that with a little change you can accomplish great things.

  15. For my sacrafice assignment, I decided to give up television. I usually watch TV while I do my homework. When I was deciding what to sacrafice for a week, I was thinking of things that aren't a necessity to me. It is true that TV is a want, but it's certainly not a necessity. Suprisingly, resisting television wasn't very hard. Instead of sitting in front of the TV while I did my homework, I sat in my room. You'd be suprised how much easier it is to get work done when there isn't anything distracting you from it. By the end of the week, I didn't really feel like I missed out on anything. If anything, I felt like I was getting more out of my day. This assignment opened my eyes and showed me how unnecessary television really is.

  16. For my sacrifice assignment, I was selfish; I didn't want to give up something I truly cherished. Instead of labeling them as "wants" I decided to label them as things I truly need - some I do; most I don't. In today's world I realized we're too connected to technology; and much too disconnected to the real world, one without phones, televisions, or perfect music we can play at the push of a button. I remember hearing about the days where you would write letters instead of text messages or emails. The days you listened to live music; when you would walk into a coffee shop, and have fascinating conversations with complete strangers. The days society lived in the world we we're given, not the one created. I remember hearing about those days, never experiencing them; now all you hear is people complaining about missing writing letters, 70's music, rainbow pants, and everything included in those decades. I find it funny how we complain about how we miss it, but we never change to get back to it. I guess, this assignment is trying to get us to do that. Show us we don't really "need" to go on Facebook, tumblr, or watch the latest episode of Modern Family. I failed this assignment, I gave up something meaningful, but not a significant. Last Thursday, I decided to give up Twitter. Lame. I know. I found it harder than I had thought. Maybe it was because I knew I couldn't have it, making me want it more. I found myself reaching my fingertip to press on the app, then stopped myself. I found myself thinking "What's happening on twitter? What am I missing?" (I realized - I didn't miss anything. Phew.) I believe I did not truly experience this assignment with something so mediocre. I am going to repeat it, so I can feel true sacrifice. No, I have no idea what I will be giving up, but I want to be able to understand the book Fahrenheit 451.

  17. For my sacrifice assignment I decided to give to listening to my headphones when walking through the hallways. When deciding on this in class, I could already tell that this was going to be a challenge for me, because as I handed in my note card my hand had already reached into my pocket for my headphones out of habit. The first few days of the assignment were the hardest as I like being in my own world. I started noticing the people around me after the second day, I started noticing their smiles, and the way they laugh. I also heard interesting conversations. and some strange jokes. I noticed how people cry and how they laugh, and how people can express so much by just the tone of their voice or the pitch of their laugh. I enjoyed the little check-in's my friends and I had while walking to our next class, and that we had three minutes to catch up. I never realized how much that could mean, and also change your mood for the day. This assignment has made me realize that I have to appreciate human nature, and enjoy the company of other people. And most importantly, to that a small little conversation can change your entire day .

  18. For my sacrifice assignment I decided to give up TV. When I decided to give up TV I thought that it would be very hard because I have TV going on through out the day. Giving up TV was a good thing for me because it gave me more time to focus on things that I usually do with the TV on. By the end of the week the need to watch TV that I had at the beginning of the assignment was gone. With all the time I gained from not watching TV I was able to focus on more productive things. From this assignment I learned that having TV is a want more than a need.

  19. This past week, I decided to give up video games because I tend to play them a little more often then I should. This experience didn't really affect me that much because I realized how much more stuff I could do besides play video games. In my opinion, I think this assignment was worth it because I was a lot more social with my friends and family than I normally am because I'm either on my iPod or playing video games. I learned there is more to life, there is a lot more things I have learned in this past week that I thought I'd never learn about. Actually going out into the world instead of staying inside my room playing video games was almost a life-changing experience for me.

  20. For my sacrifice assignment I decided to give up listening to the car radio or any source of music while I was in the car for one whole week. I chose this to give up because I am a person who always wants to listen to something; usually music. The first thing I noticed on the first day of getting into the car with my dad was, "wow this is awkward". So leading to that I decided this would be a great time to catch up with my dad, see how he is doing since he travels a lot. After a few days school came around and my brother had to take me. I am not a morning person leading to me not wanting to talk to the ride to school. Then I began to embrace the beautiful sunrise that we have mostly every morning seeings how we live in Colorado. Music distracts me from this because I am paying attention to song lyrics and the meaning behind them. This sacrifice isn't as deep and meaningful as some others may be but it gave me a feeling of what it would be like to give up something big and important in my life, I don't believe anyone should have to give up something they love unless it is harmful to them. If I were to give up something big in my life I would have to take baby steps into to prepare myself for the big change. Changing as a person all depends on the sacrifice I am making. I do not believe the world has to change in order for me to give up something, I am the only one who has to change.

  21. This week for my sacrafice assingment I gave up video games. It was not that hard for me and it helped me do more useful things like homework. I play them in my freetime and not playing this week helped me procrastinate less. The challenge was worht it for me and I will try to spend less time on them during the week.

  22. I decided watching one of my favorite TV networks MLB Network. I always would come home and watch whatever was on MLB Network. Not doing this made me find out how much more time I have to do better things like read my bible and go exercise. I was very happy that I did this and instead of watching MLB Network everyday when I get home I can do it only occasionally, so I can do the more important and better things like exercise and reading my bible. Doing this was not hard form me because I was able to fill that time with other things but it was definitely beneficial.

  23. This past week I gave up reading for pleasure. Whether it was a book or an article online or a magazine I didn't read it. I realized that I spent way too much time reading instead of talking to people and whenever I was bored I would always turn to something to read. I also realized that when I didn't have something to read I would always want to talk to my family or help my little siblings with homework. I realized that reading for me was procrastinating the things I needed to do like homework, chores, etc. Instead of staying inside reading I went outside more and enjoyed the little things of life. I realized that I was disconnected with a lot my family and friends and that I didn't really know them and that I had missed a lot of big moments in their lives because I was too busy reading. This assignment has taught me to scale back on the things I always do and do more things that I haven’t done recently and to just slow down and not do things just to past time.

  24. This past week I tried giving up dessert. Always after school I would look forward to the text pop up on my phone telling me that my dessert was ready. It became out of habit. I tried giving it up but I didn't make it all the way through. I had dessert within one of the first few days. When I went to bed it felt like something was missing. One of the few nights I succeeded I had to eat something else after dinner(apple). I know my habit of dessert is bad but I know that I can't always eat like this so i think to myself why not enjoy. One of my favorite about the parts of the day is eating my dessert and relaxing. I don't down a pint of ice cream. I usually have a tiny amount of kochi ice cream or a piece of bread(banana, poppy-seed, almond, coconut). This assignment has made me realize how much I am addicted to dessert but I am not worried about it or trying to fix it at all. I don't use social media that much and I always interact with others. I don't miss out on life based on bad habits so why not just enjoy the little things in life while it lasts.

  25. This past week, I gave up Facebook because I felt like it kept me away from spending time with my parents. I would always be on my phone while I was with my family and I never noticed what I was missing out on when I was not paying attention. I actually interacted with my family and it was great. I learned that spending life only on a phone is a waste of time.

  26. This past week, I gave up eating junk food. I gave up junk food because lately I have been feeling like have been eating too unhealthy. I would eat anything and everything. It'd leave my stomach hurting and always made me want to puke. Not only that, I have to follow my workout diet and that has been interfering in it a lot. So basically I've been cheating on my diet. So, giving up junk food this past week has been helping me with a lot. I don't feel as sick as I used to, and my workout program is going really well. It showed me that, that kind of food is more of an every once in a while food, not something to eat all of the time.

  27. I quite video games for the week and Ive noticed my life change for the better. Ive had more time t ponder life, read, and enjoy life more now that I dont spend hours playing in the virtual world. I very much liked this sacrifice.

  28. For this assignment I decided to give up fast food, and meat to be more specific. I wanted to do this because I really enjoy eating healthy food and how it makes me feel, but I often don't have the time or patients to prepare myself a healthy snack. At first I found this project challenging because my friends would often ask me if I want to go get something to eat. But later in the week I began to embrace how my body was feeling and how much energy I had. I would like to keep up my good eating habits throughout the year because it is good for my body and a healthy body leads for a healthy mind.

  29. For the past week, I gave up listening to music. I don't listen to music all that much anyway but it is often on while I am going to sleep or driving. I noticed that when it was off at night it took longer for me to fall asleep but I had more time to think. I also noticed that I had alone time to think while I was driving but I also payed more attention to the road which is probably a good thing. For the future, I will probably split it up and sometimes shut the music off and sometimes turn it on.

  30. For this assignment I decided to give up watching television. Instead of coming home from school and sitting down to watch TV like I normally do, I did my homework first. After I completed my homework I was free for the night and was able to do some things that I have been wanting to do for a while like organize my room, help my mom make dinner, hang out with my siblings and much more. I realized that if I got all my homework and things out of the way first instead of watching a screen I was able to do things that made me more happy. I am going to try and continue to watch little television every day which will definitely make me love life even more.

  31. I gave up TV for my sacrifice assignment. Before this week I used to come home and watch TV and Netflix. By giving it up I was able to do things that I really enjoy but usually don't do because of TV. For example reading and playing games. With the time that I didn't spend watching TV I was able to be a lot more productive. I learned that this limitation on TV is really good for my life and I am going to not watch as much in the future.

  32. Over the past week I told myself that I was going stop using my phone and when I am bored and have nothing to do, I was going to find something to do other than my phone. This proved a little more challenging then I though, and it showed me how much I was actually on my phone. The first thing I would do when I wake up is check Twitter then Instagram as I was eating breakfast, followed by any sports highlights from the night before. On the first day, my first reaction was to check my phone and to my triumph I actually resisted the urge that for so long had become a normal thing for me to do. As the days when by I found it harder to stay away from my phone, but at the same time it got easier too. While off of my phone I got caught up on all of my homework that I missed and hung out with my family more than ever. I think that it will take a while for me to break this habit but over time I think that if I try hard enough I can limit my time on my phone. I'm not saying that I will jump back to the stone ages and stop using my phone completely, but I can definitely reduce using it and spend my time doing better things.

  33. I didn't really give anything up I more traded something in. I traded TV and Youtube for video games. As stupid as that sounds I think it was very beneficial for me. Instead of mindlessly staring at a TV on my free time I started playing games that actually made me think. One thing that I noticed is that I ended up staring at the screen for a lot shorter time when I played games instead of TV. I also had a lot more motivation in doing things and had a lot more positive feeling about myself because I accomplished something. I'm pretty sure I read a quote somewhere that said something like, It's the little things that make up life, and I feel like this project really made that quote seem real to me.

  34. For the sacrifice project I decided to give up twitter and snapchat for a week. I had noticed recently the amount of time I had spent checking both of these apps, sometimes hundreds of times in a day. I had also noticed that I was unable to focus on serious tasks like homework because I was constantly checking my phone. After giving up these apps I noticed a change immediately. I found I was able to focus on the tasks I had with no interruption, allowing me to complete things in half the time. Along with the focus I gained, I also became much more social with my friends and family. I was able to concentrate on the people I'm close with without the temptation to get on my phone, making me much more aware of the world around me. From now on I have decided to cut down the amount of time I use my phone so that I may focus on more important things.

  35. For this assignment I decided to give up junk food and eat healthier. Whenever I would go to lunch with friends or after school I always choose junk food over something more healthy. I've always wanted to make better choices on eating food that was healthy but I always ended up putting it off and not doing it. Sacrificing this was difficult for me because my after school snacks we're never a healthy choice. But eventually I forced myself to eat something healthier like granola bars, fruit, etc. As the days went by, I started to get in the habit of eating healthier and going for runs on nice days. I readied giving up junk food wasn't as hard as soon as I started to eat healthier and I would like to stick with this choice

  36. For the sacrifice project I gave up junk food and soda. Now this was a lot harder than I thought especially because my parents just bought ten boxes of girl scout cookies. I found myself just craving any junk food or any type of beverage that was bubbly, I would sometimes just go in my pantry and stare at all the junk food I had. It was also extremely hard to stay away from junk food when I was doing absolutely nothing I was almost just trying to find something to do by stuffing food in my face. During this experience I never knew how much I would really miss junk food and soda until I could no longer have it. The main thing I learned from this experience is to always enjoy the little things in life and to never take thinks for granted.

  37. For this assignment, I gave up listening to music. At first, it was fairly easy, but became more difficult later on. Overall, although hard, this assignment helped me focus and also helped me discover that I really like listening to podcasts. And maybe prefer them to music.

  38. This past week I decided to give up watching TV. I would always watch TV to pass the time when I had nothing else to do. During this week I used my new found free time to do some reading or work on some school projects. Through this experience I learned that there are much better uses of my time than just watching TV. Even though I will resume watching TV after this week I will not use it as my only go-to when I'm bored.

  39. For this assignment I chose to give up soda, but took it another step and took out all sugary drinks from my menu. I started this as a new years resolution and it did not work as well as I had hoped, but this I feel like has gotten me back on track. I no longer have the urge to drink things like that anymore and I feel better overall. This assignment taught me that I do take things for granted but may not notice them when they are taken away for a while.

  40. For this assignment I decided to give up playing video games for a week. During this assignment I was able to focus on other things. I had lots of free time available and at first wasn't sure what to do to fill that. Then after a couple of days I found things to do, and it was easier to step away from video games. I think I'm going to stick with this decision and try to keep playing video games to a minimum that way I can accomplish more. Overall this assignment taught me that change can be for the better.

  41. For this sacrifice assignment, I had decided to cut out my computer completely, except for school work. I feel like at first this was very hard, due to the fact that I love to look up concerts coming to town and looking at new jerseys for my favorite soccer team. This assignment taught me that I don't need to fit all of this into my day, in fact it's almost useless to do these things. I feel the assignment has taught me that I should,t spend as much time on the computer as I used to. I now have the feeling that I should do other more useful things.

  42. This project was tricky, I wasn't sure what to give up. I wanted a challenge, but I didn't want to make it impossible. In the end I decided to give up Junk Food. My definition of junk food is any type of candy, or food I could honestly be better off without. This challenge started out pretty simple. My mom hadn't gone shopping in a while so I didn't have to worry about being tempted to indulge in anything sweet. After a while this project proved to be pretty tough. My mom had gone shopping and, my family started asking if I wanted ice cream after dinner, or a soda with my dinner. I had to reject them. After about a week I started noticing it became easier to say "no" when being offered a sugary treat. This project went great and I can see myself not eating so much junk food in the future as well!

  43. This past week I have decided to give up all processed sugars (candies, soda, cookies, etc.) and found it much more difficult than I imagined at the beginnning of the week. I am an athlete and decided that it was in my best interests to just stop cold turkey. Sugar inhibits the growth of muscles and it is frankly just a bad choice to make especially when you need to go out and exert yourself feverishly immidiatly after school. Some sugar from natural sorces like fruits I am still able to keep but the rest is gone. I realized that I don't need all the crap that Americans usually pump into their bodies on a daily basis. I can do just fone by limiting my sugar intake and focasing on the other importent things my body actaully needs. I was able to perform much better and feel much better in general. To sum everything up, this assignment taught me that sometimes sacrifising is very hard, but it is all so much better in the long run of things.

  44. For the past week, I have cut soda out of my diet for my sacrifice. To me, doing this had a weird affect on me. I will have a soda, about once every other day. And when I did this assignment, it was weird, staying away from the soda was much harder than I had intended it to be. I think it has something to do with knowing I can get a soda whenever I feel, but when those thoughts are taken away it really eats at you. I've had experience with this in the past with cutting weight for wrestling. Every day we eat food, and it seems like just something everyone does every day because it is apart of what we do. When doing something like eating 3 meals a day is cut into maybe an eighth of that, it really takes its toll. It is hard to sacrifice really anything, because so much of the time we take these things for granted

  45. For my sacrifice assignment I gave up taking naps after school. Sleeping is probably one of my favorite things other than eating and soccer, so when I get to rest my eyes it's the best part of the day. Although, I never really enjoyed naps until about a year ago, it was much harder to give up than I thought. This experience made me feel like I wouldn't have enough energy to finish the tasks I had to finish. To my surprise working at a slower pace is faster than taking a long nap and then trying to get work done. This decision to give up naps actually improved my sleeping schedule so I would go to bed earlier than usual. The hardest part about this assignment however, was staying away from beds and couches after school. They were so tempting. If I were to lay down I don't believe I would have made it. There were many pros and cons to this assignment but over all I believe it was worth it. From now on if I do nap, it will not be as long and my naps will for sure not be as frequent. It would take a lot to give up naps, especially since I believe it's a necessity in life. If I were to truly give up naps I would have to eat much healthier in order to save energy and cut off sports. In all honesty I do not see that ever happening. Eating healthy is not the hard part but I could not last more than a week without sports. If everyone were to give up naps I feel there would be more drugs made to give people energy and not as many sports. My thinking behind more drugs is that people seem to take the easy way out more often. So if people can avoid going on a diet and do drugs to give one energy instead, they would. Overall, I would not recommend giving up naps completely because I don't want to see more drugs in this world and less sports.

  46. For my sacrifice I chose to cut out soda. I chose this because I was interested to see the results and if I was able to do it. It turned out it was kind of difficult. I thought it would be easier but we take things for granted. You realize how difficult it is once you are forced not to have it.

  47. What I decided to sacrifice was makeup. Although this was not a very hard thing to do it felt different and meaningful. Not wearing make up was very easy as I honestly forget to put some on half the time. But walking out the door knowing and purposefully not wearing makeup felt good. Wherever I went whether it was school, starbucks, dinner, or sports, I really realized how much our society has shaped us. Most everyone I saw middle school or older were all wearing make up. I could totally careless about wearing makeup and half the time I don’t, but I would wear makeup because everyone else does and you are raised to that standard. Seeing people with makeup and realizing how I have rarely seen them with no makeup at all shows how scary and crazy the society has become. Making people feel like they have too, lowering their self esteem and confidence. This was an eye opening sacrifice not because I hated not wearing makeup, but because it showed how many others are affected by society and how the “normal” is a lot different and more complicated than it should be.

  48. For my sacrifice I gave up hanging out with my dad for the past week. It was hard for me to do because I spent so much time hanging out with my dad and I used to never do that. I love my dad. He's really fun to hangout with. It was especially hard when he would call me into his room for help and to show me things on his laptop. I didn't like giving this up but I can't wait to get back into hanging out with my dad.

  49. I gave up listening to music and i gave it up because I feel like I'm always listening to music and not really paying attention to what is going on around me. It was difficult because I felt really bored especially while doing chores or homework. I felt less motivated to do my homework and it took me longer to do. I think it was worth it but I am not going to stop listening to music forever but I am going to listen less. I learned to enjoy little things like sitting by a fire listening to the earth. I would have to be less add to be able to go without music. The world would seem quieter and calmer. Music makes everything seem more alive and energized and without it everything is calm.

  50. For my sacrifice i gave up video games, it wasn't really too hard, it helped with my wrists. I gave this up since i normally always play them constantly. Yet I feel it was good that I did this because they really aren't good to play all the time.

  51. I gave up being annoying and being childish. I decided to give this up because people have been really annoying and I haven't been 100% focused at work or at school. After I started acting like this, I noticed that I wasn't as fun of a person anymore and I didn't really like it. But there is always the moments when you can be childish, and then there's those moments when you can be serious.

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  53. So I did this last week but apparently i pressed enter instead of publish, but anyways. For the prior week I sacrificed something I did everyday to see how it would really affect my life and the lives of others. I gave up driving for a whole week. Right off the bat it was terrible, I couldn't find a ride to school, and both my parents were working so I ended up missing 1st period while my dad came home and got me to take me to school. I also had to take the bus home from school this was especially terrible, because some of the days were very cold and windy. Also, on the weekend I couldn't go anywhere or do anything, because none of my friends friends have their license, no one could come get me. On Saturday night my mom asked me to get my sister at Powell and then she realized that I wasn't able to drive and she got mad. Next time I give something up it will not be something that will affect my life and everyone else lives so greatly.

  54. I gave up eating out for my sacrifice. I have a tendency to spend more than I should be and I have gotten in the habit of eating out every single day. This assignment was extremely challenging to me because as an athlete I need to eat sufficient calories at lunch, but I could not do it the easy way. This assignment pushed me to make my lunch in the mornings to assure that I had enough to eat throughout the day. I learned that giving up something important takes a lot of will power along with planning and is not as easy as expected. In all honesty I would probably not completely give up eating out unless worse came to worse because food is one of my favorite luxuries in life. I’ve been enlightened to the possibility of limiting myself and may begin to eat out less.

  55. For my sacrifice assignment I gave up watching tv. I usually would watch tv every day and it wasn't really a productive thing to do. I found that I spent more time on my homework, and on other productive activities. I am going to continue this and try to watch less tv, because my grades have been improving and I am doing much more productive things with my everyday life.


  56. For the past week I tried to give up all forms of video that were not from the actual TV. I found it hard to do considering that in today’s society there are short videos. The videos could be from ESPN’s Facebook or even a vine that I could watch on I funny. It was also hard because if a friend wanted to show me a video I would not watch it. As someone who watches a lot of sports, I found it especially hard to not watch highlights on the ESPN, NHL and snapchat apps. By the end of the assignment I found that I had much more time to do homework. While it made my productivity higher, I found myself missing out on things that I would’ve liked to have seen. I think that I will go back to watching videos, highlights and vines.

  57. For a week I gave up watching Netflix. I usually just watch Netflix when I am just doing nothing. Over the past week I haven't watched any Netflix. It was very challenging because when I didn't have anything to do and I couldn't watch Netflix I didn't know what to do. Instead of watching Netflix I found myself getting more homework done and catching up in my classes. I also did more stuff to help out my mom besides the normal chores. It was hard because every time that I was getting bored I just wanted to turn on Netflix and watch a show. It showed me that trying to give something up you enjoy doing is not very easy. In fact, it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. After a week I think that I might not watch as much Netflix as I used to but, I still would like to watch Netflix when I am bored.

  58. I chose to sacrifice soda because I am very strongly addicted to soda. This experiment challenged me because I usually drink soda at night while I’m doing homework to calm me down, so I had to rely on different types of caffeinated drinks over the last week. it forced me to not be quite so reliant on one substance at night. I think this was a good one time experience, but I don’t think I will ever stick with this long-term because if I did, it wouldn’t really benefit me all that much in the future. From sacrificing this, I learned that power and strong will is a key factor in whether or not we succeed when attempting to sacrifice things that are important to us.
